When does your dog's teeth come out?

Like babies, puppies lack teeth at birth , have their first teeth in childhood and then experience a change to adult dentition. Next, we will tell you when your dog's teeth come out and what to keep in mind during these teething changes.

How is the teething of a puppy dog ​​and adult?

The complete dentition of a puppy consists of only 28 teeth . These 'milk teeth' fall progressively to give rise to the permanent or permanent dentition of the dog, which consists of 42 pieces.

The milk dentition of a puppy consists of two canines , six incisor teeth and six premolars (lower and upper). In turn, the final pieces include two canines, six incisors, eight premolars (lower and upper), and ten molars (six lower and four upper).

The first teeth of the puppy are not equal in size, format or structure as the final pieces. In addition to being smaller, the teeth of the puppies are thinner and more pointed than those of the adult dogs; your bites have risks and, even if they are not so powerful, they can hurt you.

When do you get a puppy's teeth?

Almost all puppies lack teeth at birth, although you may eventually see a newborn with one or two teeth . These small animals are lactating, so their only food should be milk that sucks from their mother's or a wet nurse's breast.

In general terms, the puppy experiences the birth of his first teeth between his second and third week of life . On average, it takes 15 or 20 days for the first teething of the puppy to be complete.

However, it is not possible to specify when the first teeth are coming out of a puppy or how long it will take to be born. 'milk' pieces. After all, each animal is a world and has a unique metabolism.

Because of these changes, it is important that the owner is attentive and must check the pup's mouth daily, to recognize the beginning of your first dentition.

When do the final teeth come out of a dog?

A few months after completing your first teething, the puppy will experience the fall of the 'milk teeth'. This process is essential to lead to the birth of the final pieces, which will allow you to feed on your own.

As we can see, there is no exact date when a dog's permanent teeth come out. But, generally, milk teeth begin to fall from the fourth month of the puppy's life.

The duration of this process varies greatly according to the breed and the organism of each dog , and is that it can be extended until its sixth or ninth month of life. It is only considered that the dental arch of an adult dog is fully developed after its 12 months of life.

How to know if a dog is changing its dentition?

Teething change is a natural physiological process in dogs, so it should occur discreetly and without symptoms or pain.Mild symptoms of pain, tenderness in the mouth, and slight inflammation of the gums may also occur.

On rare occasions, more severe complications may result from the difficulty in falling. the milk pieces or the abnormal growth of the final teeth.

Care and precautions during the change of a dog's teeth

Normally it is not necessary for the owner to intervene during the change of teeth of their dogs. The organism of dogs is perfectly prepared to experience positively this stage of transition. But some precautions can be taken to provide greater comfort to the dog and avoid destructive behavior in the home.

For this, it is advisable to give some soft toys or teethers for your puppy. In addition to relieving the desire to bite, these accessories help control or prevent pain and calm the puppy's anxiety during this stage.